Thank you !


发件人: Alexander Bluhm <>
发送时间: 2021年6月12日 8:27
收件人: Charlene Wendling
抄送: wen heping;
主题: Re: www/p5-Dancer2: Update to 0.301004

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 11:38:09AM +0000, Charlene Wendling wrote:
> >    Here is a patch for www/p5-Dancer2:
> >    i) Update to 0.301004
> >    ii) Add sysutils/p5-File-Which as RUN_DEPENDS
> >    It build well and pass all tests on amd64-6.9 system.
> >    4 ports depends on it and all build and pass tests too.
> OK cwen@ with 2 tweaks:
> - sysutils/p5-Capture-Tiny is missing as TEST_DEPENDS
> - we don't need gitignore and docker files

I commited with this and sorting the dependencies.  Some dependencies
are out of date.  I regenerated with portgen, checked manually, and
added everything that is rcommended.  So the correct list should
be below.

I think we should not run author tests.  It makes trcking the
dependendcies even harder.  And there is no sense in checking the
pod and style again as the author did before.

While there, sort the Makefile according to template.



Index: www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile
RCS file: /data/mirror/openbsd/cvs/ports/www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -p -r1.14 Makefile
--- www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile     11 Jun 2021 16:51:21 -0000      1.14
+++ www/p5-Dancer2/Makefile     12 Jun 2021 00:08:44 -0000
@@ -2,55 +2,61 @@

 COMMENT =              lightweight yet powerful web application framework

-MODULES =              cpan
-PKG_ARCH =             *
 DISTNAME =             Dancer2-0.301004
+REVISION =             0
 CATEGORIES =           www

 # Perl

+MODULES =              cpan
 BUILD_DEPENDS =                devel/p5-File-ShareDir-Install>=0.06

-RUN_DEPENDS =          converters/p5-JSON \
-                       converters/p5-JSON-XS \
+RUN_DEPENDS =          converters/p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS \
+                       converters/p5-JSON-MaybeXS \
                        devel/p5-CLI-Osprey \
-                       devel/p5-Class-Load \
+                       devel/p5-Class-XSAccessor \
+                       devel/p5-Clone \
                        devel/p5-Config-Any \
+                       devel/p5-Exporter-Tiny \
                        devel/p5-File-Share \
                        devel/p5-Hash-Merge-Simple \
+                       devel/p5-Hash-MultiValue \
                        devel/p5-Import-Into \
-                       devel/p5-Moo>=2.000000 \
-                       devel/p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike \
+                       devel/p5-Module-Runtime \
+                       devel/p5-Moo>=2.0 \
+                       devel/p5-MooX-TypeTiny \
+                       devel/p5-Path-Tiny \
                        devel/p5-Ref-Util \
-                       devel/p5-Return-MultiLevel \
+                       devel/p5-Role-Tiny>=2.0 \
                        devel/p5-Safe-Isa \
                        devel/p5-Scope-Upper \
-                       devel/p5-Type-Tiny \
-                       devel/p5-YAML \
+                       devel/p5-Sub-Quote \
+                       devel/p5-Type-Tiny>=1.000006 \
+                       devel/p5-YAML>=0.86 \
+                       devel/p5-YAML-XS \
                        mail/p5-MIME-Types \
-                       security/p5-Digest-SHA1 \
                        sysutils/p5-File-Which \
                        textproc/p5-Template \
                        textproc/p5-Template-Tiny \
-                       www/p5-HTTP-Body \
-                       www/p5-HTTP-Cookies \
                        www/p5-HTTP-Date \
-                       www/p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast \
+                       www/p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast>=0.21 \
+                       www/p5-Plack>=1.0040 \
                        www/p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect \
                        www/p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody \
-                       www/p5-Plack>=1.0040
+                       www/p5-URI

 TEST_DEPENDS =         devel/p5-AnyEvent \
-                       devel/p5-Test-CPAN-Meta \
                        devel/p5-Test-EOL \
                        devel/p5-Test-Fatal \
-                       devel/p5-Test-Memory-Cycle>=1.04 \
+                       devel/p5-Test-Memory-Cycle \
                        devel/p5-Test-MockTime \
-                       devel/p5-Test-NoTabs \
-                       devel/p5-Test-Perl-Critic \
-                       sysutils/p5-Capture-Tiny
+                       sysutils/p5-Capture-Tiny>=0.12 \
+                       www/p5-HTTP-Cookies \
+                       www/p5-HTTP-Message

+PKG_ARCH =             *

 .include <>

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