On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 05:28:19PM -0400, Mike Erdely wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 08:26:52PM -0400, Mike Erdely wrote:
> > Attached is a resend of tsclient-0.148.
> > This is a GTK+-2-based front-end for rdesktop and VNC.
> > 
> > It works for me on i386, but I get a weird error message in my xterm
> > when I close the rdesktop connection:
> > ** (tsclient:7119): WARNING **: 
> > X Error of failed request:  BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
> >   Major opcode of failed request:  23 (X_GetSelectionOwner)
> >   Atom id in failed request:  0x0
> >   Serial number of failed request:  7722
> >   Current serial number in output stream:  7722
> I figured this out.  tsclient was defaulting to use RDP Protocol Version
> 4 (passing "-4" to rdesktop by default).  I created a patch that made
> RDPv5 the default and the problem went away for me.  Now, when rdesktop
> exits, you're returned to the tsclient window, as expected.  I tested
> connecting to both Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server.
> Please test.
> -ME


--- Makefile    Mon Apr 16 15:54:15 2007
+++ Makefile.orig       Mon Apr 16 15:50:27 2007
@@ -9,15 +9,8 @@
-WANTLIB += ICE ORBit-2 SM X11 Xau Xdmcp Xrender art_lgpl_2 atk-1.0
-WANTLIB += bonobo-2 bonobo-activation bonoboui-2 c cairo expat
-WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype gconf-2 gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
-WANTLIB += glib-2.0 glitz gmodule-2.0 gnome-2 gnomecanvas-2 gnomeui-2
-WANTLIB += gnomevfs-2 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 iconv
-WANTLIB += intl m pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 png popt
-WANTLIB += pthread xml2 z
-LIB_DEPENDS+=  panel-applet-2::x11/gnome/panel
+LIB_DEPENDS+=   gtk.>=1.2,gdk.>=1.2::x11/gtk+
 BUILD_DEPENDS=  :gnome-panel-*:x11/gnome/panel \
                :rdesktop-*:x11/rdesktop \


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