On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 at 04:10:43 +1000, Joel Sing wrote:
> The below diff updates lang/go to Go 1.17.
> Tested on amd64 and arm64, still need to retest on arm, i386 and mips64.
> ok?

Mini-bulk finished:

Elapsed time=02:26:32
I=433 B=10 Q=0 T=105 F=0 !=1
E=net/termshark math/blas textproc/py-stemmer,python3

I was surprised by the termshark failure!:

  # github.com/kr/pty
undefined: ptmget
undefined: ioctl_PTMGET
  *** Error 2 in net/termshark (Makefile:31 'do-build')
  *** Error 2 in net/termshark (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2943 
'/tmp/pobj/termshark-2.2.0/build-amd64/.build_done': @cd /usr/po...)
  *** Error 2 in net/termshark (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2602 
'build': @lock=termshark-2.2.0p1;  export _LOCKS_HELD=" termshar...)
  ===> Exiting net/termshark with an error
  *** Error 1 in /usr/ports (infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.subdir.mk:137 'build': 
@: ${echo_msg:=echo};  : ${target:=build};  for i in ; do  eval...)
  >>> Ended at 1629838835.67
  Error: job failed with 512 on localhost at 1629838835

Everything else looks fine to me (I have been using a similar diff to test if
the lazy module stuff changes portgen)!

OK abieber@ if the other arches build :D 

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