> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Henderson [mailto:s...@spacehopper.org]
> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 2:55 PM

> On 2021/08/26 13:11, Ted Wynnychenko wrote:
> >
> > I have no idea what may have changed, but everything was working as
> expected
> > until after a reboot yesterday.
> > After the restart, I started getting errors from php applications (in
> this
> > case, Horde).
> If you "grep started /var/mysql/*.err" you'll likely have versions and
> dates.
> The port switched to the 10.6 branch here:
> date: 2021/07/09 11:35:29;  author: sthen;  state: Exp;  lines: +7 -10;
> commitid: I3rHhQR1jFVVyvVB;
> update to mariadb-10.6.3, from Brad
> If you updated from a snapshot before then, and then updated packages
> but didn't reboot after doing so, you would still have been running
> an older version

Yes, I think that explains why it happened yesterday.  I previously updated
everything before 7/9 (base/ports), and last updated base/ports about a
month ago.  But, I probably did not restart after updating ports, so I was
still running the older version of MariaDB until the other day (something to
correct in my update process in the future).

> >
> > MariaDB [(none)]> show character set;
> > +----------+-----------------------------+---------------------+-----
> ---+
> > | Charset  | Description                 | Default collation   |
> Maxlen |
> > +----------+-----------------------------+---------------------+-----
> ---+
> > ...
> > | utf8mb3  | UTF-8 Unicode               | utf8mb3_general_ci  |
> 3 |
> > ...
> > | utf8mb4  | UTF-8 Unicode               | utf8mb4_general_ci  |
> 4 |
> > ...
> > | utf16    | UTF-16 Unicode              | utf16_general_ci    |
> 4 |
> > | utf16le  | UTF-16LE Unicode            | utf16le_general_ci  |
> 4 |
> > ...
> > +----------+-----------------------------+---------------------+-----
> ---+
> > 40 rows in set (0.000 sec)
> >
> > There is no "utf8" listed by MariaDB.  But, according to the MariaDB
> > website, it seems like it still should be.
> "show character set" only shows the actual names, not aliases.
> IMO it is correct that it's not listed there.

If this is true, I am wondering why it worked before and not now, since
horde was always checking for utf8 (before and now)?

According to the MariaDB website
(https://mariadb.com/kb/en/supported-character-sets-and-collations/) they
list utf8 as a separate and distinct character set from both uft8mb3 and

Also, if utf8 was not listed as a character set with "show character set;"
in prior versions of MariaDB port on openbsd, then this problem with Horde
would have happened before the change in MariaDB version.

> So this is where it comes from:
> https://github.com/horde/Db/blob/master/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Mysql/Sche
> ma.php#L577
> I think Horde should maybe try using the charset name as-is without
> trying
> to look it up in 'show character set' first. Suggest reporting it to
> them
> and see what they say.
> It might be worth a note in the Upgrades section of the pkg-readme but
> I bet nobody running into the problem would see it there.

Thanks again.

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