On 2021/10/11 19:24, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 06, 2021 at 03:30:08AM +0000, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 08:49:06PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> > > On 2021/09/22 13:34, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> > > > On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 03:20:16PM +0000, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > P.S. Yes, I know you're busy with a preparation to the upcoming 7.0
> > > > and it's good time for fixes and probably not a best time for new
> > > > ports, but I want to let you know that www/unit builds very well
> > > > with new and shiny 7.0 yesterday snapshot.
> > > 
> > > yes, it's been no new imports for a week already.
> > > I will have a look again when I have time.
> > 
> > Seems like a liveness probe returns a positive signal after the
> > ports change freeze for the upcoming 7.0.
> > Is there any update?
> Could you please provide an update.
> Thank you.
> -- 
> Sergey Osokin

Hi Sergey. Updated version attached, A few notes on my changes, there
are probably some others too but this is what I remember:

- reduce unnecessary variables, the UNIT_xxx were only used to pass
to configure and create directories in fake-install. The directory
creation is pointless, so I dropped the variables and passed directly
to configure.

- move libexec to lib. openbsd standard use for libexec is for
executables invoked by some software. other similar ports use lib for
plugin modules.

- /var/run and tmp are cleared at boot so must be created by the rc
script, I added rc_pre. there is no point including them in the package
because it gives a false sense that things will work after boot.

- tidy dependencies

- use a valid uid for @newuser/@newgroup lines

- enable tests

A couple of issues remain:

- ruby linkage looks a bit wrong, but I think that's on the ruby side
not the unit side. the NEEDED ELF header in unit's ruby module is set to
just "libruby30.so" and not "libruby30.so.0.0", I think this is probably
due to the symlink in /usr/local/lib/libruby30.so -> libruby30.so.0.0
and/or lack of SONAME in libruby30. Maybe another porter has an idea
what to do with this though I think it's probably not a show-stopper..

- rc script nearly duplicates the standard rc_stop section but adds
-QUIT instead of using the default (-TERM). currently the two singals
do the same in unit anyway but comments suggest it is intended for a
graceful shutdown (not yet implemented). I don't think that will work
very well with rc.d anyway (rcctl restart will wait for shutdown,
so you either use 'fast shutdown' and kill active connections, or
use 'graceful' and have a gap while you stop accepting new connections
while draining old). So I think it might be better to drop the rc_stop

Other than those, it builds and starts ok, I have run out of patience
trying to figure out how to configure to test runtime myself though
(I was looking for a simple static-file config but there is nothing
obvious). However the tests that I've enabled look promising (a couple
of F/E in test_perl_application.py and test_respawn.py, and a couple
of TLS-related ones, looks fairly minor).

Attachment: unit.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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