Yifei Zhan <openbsd@zhan.science> writes:

> Hi,
> Here is a WIP port for fcitx5, the successor of inputmethods/fcitx. I 
> would like to find someone to import this as fcitx4 is no longer being 
> actively developed. ("no new issue and PR should be created.") [0]
> At the moment I'm able to build/package/test/install it with no problem 
> and I've been daily driving[1] it on both my arm64 and amd64 systems for 
> about a month. However I'm unable to tame `make port-lib-depends-check`:
> fcitx5-5.0.11(inputmethods/fcitx5):
> Missing lib: cairo.13 (/usr/local/lib/fcitx5/libclassicui.so) (NOT REACHABLE)
> Missing lib: event_core.2 (/usr/local/lib/libFcitx5Utils.so.0.0) (NOT 
> Missing lib: harfbuzz.16 (/usr/local/lib/fcitx5/libclassicui.so) (NOT 
> Missing lib: pango-1.0.3801 (/usr/local/lib/fcitx5/libclassicui.so) (NOT 
> Missing lib: pangocairo-1.0.3801 (/usr/local/lib/fcitx5/libclassicui.so) (NOT 
> Missing lib: xkbcommon-x11.1 (/usr/local/lib/fcitx5/libxcb.so) (NOT REACHABLE)
> Missing lib: xkbcommon.1 (/usr/local/lib/libFcitx5Core.so.0.0) (NOT REACHABLE)
> *** Error 1 in target 'port-lib-depends-check' (ignored)
> I tried to figure out this by reading the source of 
> port-lib-depends-check, but with little success, anyone know how can I 
> tame this?
> [0]: https://github.com/fcitx/fcitx/blob/master/README 
> [1]: I also ported many fcitx5 IME IM modules but they would be too many 
> for this email...
> [2. application/x-gzip; fcitx5.wip.tar.gz]...


(adding to what Stefan said)

I noticed that both ports have

        V =             ...
        PKGNAME =       foo-$V
        DISTNAME =      ${PKGNAME}

which I think it's redundant, since $V is not used anywhere else in the
makefiles you could simply do

        DISTNAME =      foo-x.y.z

regarding xcb-imd, I was told that ports that use extra-cmake-modules
should use the devel/kf5 module which takes care of adding the needed
build depends.  (It also needs `MODQT5_DEPS = No' otherwise qtbase ends
up as LDEPS.)

There's no need to patch CMakeLists to change the default of the
options, just pass them as


but why disable uthash?  it builds fine with that enabled, it just needs
CFLAGS += -I${LOCALBASE}/include, so I'm adding it to BUILD_DEPENDS.

I'm dropping -Wno-dev as I don't think we need to add flags to silence
cmake warnings.  I'm also dropping DISTFILES in xcb-imdkit as that's the
default value.

make update-plist wants to add the lib/cmake directory.

As a final note, xcb-imdkit doesn't build with base gcc (needs C11) and
thus set COMPILER and COMPILER_LANGS accordingly.

regarding fcitx5 itself, why disable enchant?  I've added
textproc/enchant2 as LDEP and it builds fine.

Instead of patching CMakeList.txt to add /usr/X11R6/include (which is
also hardcoded), you can just adjust CXXFLAGS from the makefile.  Ditto
for patch-src_im_keyboard_isocodes_cpp

I've moved the *_DEPENDS after MODULE as per Makefile.template.

These entries from the PLIST are suspicious:


They should end up in ${PREFIX}/share/examples/xdg/... and then
@sample'd as happens for other ports.  cmake/kf5/qt is not really my
the plist, not really sure why it's not happening by default...  A grep
confirms that there are some other instances of that in the port tree
already (devel/ccache, net/icinga, net/mosquitto, ...) so maybe it's not
completely wrong.

I can't understand how it's supposed to be used, I ran fcitx5 and it
switched from my custom dvorak to the us layout, fcitx5-configtool says
that I'm "currently running Fcitx with GUI, but fcitx5-config-qt
couldn't be found" and then opens up Emacs on the ~/.config/fcitx5/conf
directory.  I guess I should edit that file to customize it?
Unfortunately there's no documentation in the package, I'll dig in

Tests are passing for both, good!

I think both ports looks fine :)


Omar Polo

Attachment: xcb-imdkit.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fcitx5.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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