On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 10:07:13AM +0100, Omar Polo wrote:
> Hello ports,
> Please find attached a diff to update net/gophernicus to the latest
> version.
> The changelog for 3.1.0 is quite interesting, as they added pledge(2)
> and unveil(2) support and changed the build system (among other things.)
> 3.1.1 is just some bugfixes on the build system.
> Unfortunately the pledge/unveil support is disabled by default and a few
> command line switches are needed to enable it: gophernicus uses shared
> memory and allows exec'ing arbitrary scripts from gophermaps, so one
> needs at least -nm and -nx to respectively disable them to run under
> pledge and unveil.  -nu disables serving from users home directory and
> seems tightens it a bit more.  That's why I've changed the pkg/README to
> suggest running with those flags.
> Some installed files (such as TODO) are not available anymore, and since
> I was there I've also removed INSTALL.md as I don't see any reason to
> install it too.
> This still keeps gophernicus installed as libexec/in.gophernicus to
> avoid breaking existing setups.
> As I've only tested it on localhost, some real world usage is much
> appreciated :)

Something isn't quite right here. The extacted dir is 0750, so my
_pbuild fails.

stef$ make fake
===>  Checking files for gophernicus-3.1.1
`/usr/ports/distfiles/gophernicus-3.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date.
>> (SHA256) gophernicus-3.1.1.tar.gz: OK
===>  Verifying specs:  c
===>  found c.96.1
===>  Extracting for gophernicus-3.1.1
===>  Patching for gophernicus-3.1.1
===>   Applying OpenBSD patch patch-gophernicus_c
===>   Ignoring empty patchfile patch-gophernicus_c
===>  Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang
===>  Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++
===>  Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc
===>  Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++
===>  Generating configure for gophernicus-3.1.1
===>  Configuring for gophernicus-3.1.1
checking for working compiler... cc
checking for uname... /usr/bin/uname
checking for OS... openbsd
checking for install... Unknown option: t
install: testconf: Inappropriate file type or format
rm: testconf/testfile: No such file or directory
checking for listener... inetd
checking for update-inetd... not found
checking current hostname... stef.traceyemery.net
checking for libwrap... no, but program will still work
checking for ipcrm (SHM management)... /usr/bin/ipcrm
checking for make... /usr/bin/make
checking for existing gopher root... no
creating Makefile... done
creating init/gophernicus.env... done
creating init/haiku_snippet... done
creating init/org.gophernicus.server.plist... done
creating init/gophernicus.xinetd... done
creating init/gophernicus@.service... done
===>  Building for gophernicus-3.1.1
/bin/sh: cd: /usr/ports/pobj/gophernicus-3.1.1/gophernicus-3.1.1 - Permission 
*** Error 1 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2948 
'/usr/ports/pobj/gophernicus-3.1.1/.build_done': @cd /usr/ports/pobj/gophern...)
*** Error 2 in /usr/ports/net/gophernicus 
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2594 'fake': @lock=gophernicus-3.1.1; 
 export _LOCKS_HEL...)

It will build if I manually chmod 755
/usr/ports/pobj/gophernicus-3.1.1/gophernicus-3.1.1, but then:

stef$ make update-plist
===>  Updating plist for gophernicus-3.1.1
Installing /usr/ports/net/gophernicus/pkg/README as 
Can't locate OpenBSD/CommonPlist.pm in @INC (you may need to install the 
OpenBSD::CommonPlist module) (@INC contains: /usr/ports/infrastructure/lib 
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl /usr/libdata/perl5/amd64-openbsd 
/usr/libdata/perl5) at 
/usr/ports/infrastructure/lib/OpenBSD/UpdatePlistReader.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/usr/ports/infrastructure/lib/OpenBSD/UpdatePlistReader.pm line 20.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/update-plist 
line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/update-plist 
line 53.
*** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2569 
'_internal-update-plist': @case X${_DEPENDS_CACHE} in  X) _DEPENDS_CACHE=$(d...)
*** Error 2 in /usr/ports/net/gophernicus 
(/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2594 'update-plist': 
@lock=gophernicus-3.1.1;  export _L...)

So, either something is suddenly off in my ports dir or there are some
problems here. So, I can't give a full review of this diff.

Another note I see, don't forget to:

rm patches/patch-gophernicus_c
cvs rm patches/patch-gophernicus_c

Good luck! :)


Tracey Emery

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