On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 07:32:16PM -0800, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> I noticed this and while I hoped to find time to include a patch I
> haven't yet and so I decided to report without.
> It appears that "g++" or maybe subdirectories confuse the
> ports-readmes-dancer at openports.pl.
> For example, clicking either of the g++-11.2.0p0 or g++-8.4.0p9 links
> from https://openports.pl/cat/lang 404:
> https://openports.pl/path/lang/gcc/11,-c++
> https://openports.pl/path/lang/gcc/8,-c++
> I tried escaping the ++ with %2b%2b but it doesn't seem as simple as
> those getting interpreted as spaces.  I haven't looked past that.

That's a bit surprising, since the Template engine has everything properly
annotated for urls.

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