On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 09:42:00PM +0100, Laurence Tratt wrote:
> I have made available a port of the Tailor tool at:
>   http://tratt.net/laurie/obsd/ports/tailor.tar.gz  

Me, too; I posted mine almost a year ago:


Some suggestions:

    * COMMENT shouldn't start with a capital letter
    * pkg/DESCR should be wrapped at 72 characters
    * I don't see the point in installing README.html

If you haven't already, check out the checklist[0] and testing
guide[1]. They have useful style and testing information, among
other things.

Otherwise, the port builds fine here (i386/-current); I don't have
any repositories to test conversions on, but the modules import

[0] http://www.openbsd.org/checklist.html
[1] http://www.openbsd.org/porttest.html


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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