Bulk build on riscv64.ports.openbsd.org

Started : Sun Feb 20 03:54:32 MST 2022
Finished: Sun Feb 27 07:27:46 MST 2022
Duration: 7 Days 3 hours 33 minutes

Built using OpenBSD 7.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #45: Fri Feb 18 05:43:50 MST 2022

Built 9172 packages

Number of packages built each day:
Feb 20: 2905
Feb 21: 830
Feb 22: 457
Feb 23: 667
Feb 24: 633
Feb 25: 655
Feb 26: 835
Feb 27: 2190

Critical path missing pkgs:

Build failures: 3
cp: paths/devel/libsoup2.log: No such file or directory
cp: paths/geo/gpsbabel,-main.log: No such file or directory
cp: paths/multimedia/mlt7,-main.log: No such file or directory

Recurrent failures:

New failures:

Resolved failures:

Packages newly built:

Packages not built this time:

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