Moving to, please reply there

On 2022/04/05 10:31, George Pontis wrote:
> OpenBSD 7.0 release for amd64
> After installing the suricata 6.0.2 package, the readme provides guidance
> for using suricata-update as follows:
> *****
> suricata-update
> ---------------
> suricata-update is the recommended way to install and update rules.
> By default it will download the new rules into /var/suricata/rules
> Edit /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml and replace the existing default-rule-path
> and rule-files sections with this:
>     default-rule-path: /var/suricata/rules/
>     rule-files:
>       - suricata.rules
> *****
> However, suricata-update is actually coded to put the rules under
> /var/lib/suricata/rules, so the running instance does not see the rules and
> bombs out in a flood of errors

Can you show some more information and the actual error messages?
As far as I can see suricata-update is patched in the port to use the
location directly under /var (VARBASE).

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