Tools for use with MongoDB:

- bsondump: display BSON files in a human-readable format
- mongoimport: Convert data from JSON, TSV or CSV and insert them
    into a collection
- mongoexport: Write an existing collection to CSV or JSON format
- mongodump/mongorestore: Dump MongoDB backups to disk in .BSON format,
    or restore them to a live database
- mongostat: Monitor live MongoDB servers, replica sets, or sharded clusters
- mongofiles: Read, write, delete, or update files in GridFS
- mongotop: Monitor read/write activity on a mongo server
- mongoreplay: Capture, observe, and replay traffic for MongoDB

I tested mongodump/mongostat/mongotop pointed at the mongodb instance run
by unifi with -h localhost:27112, and pointed bsondump at files produced
by mongodump and they look sane.

This is a go port, upstream have vendored the various modules they use
themselves, and the lang/go scaffolding doesn't really seem to work with
it, this is about the third time I tried to port it over some months and
finally got something which builds usable binaries..

OK to import?

Attachment: mongo-tools.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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