Hi ports@,

% pkg_info cursed-font
Information for inst:cursed-font-1.0.0

monospaced 9x18 bitmap font for low-DPI screens

cursed font is a 9x18 bitmapped font designed for low-DPI screens.
It was originally an embiggened and monospace-ified version of Apple's Chicago
font from System 6, but it also takes inspiration from many other fonts such
as bizcat, ttyp0, tamzen, scientifica.

Maintainer: Thim Cederlund <t...@cederlund.de>

WWW: https://github.com/kiedtl/cursed

Picture of the font in use: https://tilde.team/~kiedtl/images/cursed/sdemo.png

Best Regards,

Thim Cederlund

Attachment: cursed-font.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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