Andre Stoebe <> wrote:
> Hello,
> turnserver tries to create a pidfile at /var/run/, but
> this fails due to permissions. It falls back to /var/tmp/,
> so this ends up in /tmp.

which version?  are you using some custom flags in /etc/rc.conf.local?
By any chance, did you enabled(/uncommented) the `pidfile' directive
in /etc/turnserver.conf?

I'm running 4.5.2p2 on OpenBSD 7.1-STABLE with a minimal config and
don't see it:

        antartica# find / -iname
        antartica# rcctl check turnserver
        antartica# pkg_info | grep ^turnserver
        turnserver-4.5.2p2  coturn STUN/TURN server
        antartica# grep pidfile /etc/turnserver.conf

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