I've attached the port of x11/enlightenment-wm, which is the graphical
desktop shell from the Enlightenment project. It resembles a
traditional UNIX/X1 style desktop by design but has a range of
add-ons, as well as a different core design philosophy.  Enlightenment
manages windows and files. It's a compositor and is also capable of
launching applications, handling the user interface and even system

This is the part of 2 to the Enlightenment wm stuff, which is based on
the latest releases, not on the DR16 based version, which is already
in the ports tree. I checked the PLISTs, the DR16 and this version are
not conflicting.

I use and test them (EFl, Enlightenment, Terminology) since 2 month on
OpenBSD 7.1 and after 7.2, works fine for me.

Some notes:
1) I am not sure the name of this port, as enlightenment already
exists in the tree, but that is the DR16 version.

2) I added the enlightenment login class to the ports, as need to
increase the resource limits to run enlightenment. Enlightenment’s
efreetd caching all installed icons, when can be knocked out by the
resource limits.

2.a) portcheck tell me:
extra file: pkg/enlightenment.login

I found login files for other ports, but isn’t this the correct way to
offer the resource limits increase? Should I only write this to the
README file?

3) The port has patches to fix locale changing, only removing old
OpenBSD relevant ifdefs, which already just broke the locale switch. I
sent the patches to the upstream, not accepted yet.

Any suggestions for the port?


Attachment: enlightenment-wm.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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