Attached is a port for profile-sync-daemon[0], which is a bash script
to synchronize web browser profiles to/from a ramdisk with the goal of
reducing HDD/SDD wear and providing backup functionality. Tested on
amd64. Additional details can be found on the ArchWiki page[1].

Naturally, one needs to have enough extra RAM available and move /tmp
to a ramdisk (as solene@ has documented[2] on her blog). For this
reason, while I tried to not be too verbose and direct users to
appropriate manual pages for specifics, there are a number of
considerations & configuration steps described in the pkg-readme. I'm
happy to make it more concise.

I have a couple of upstream issues[3][4] open where I hope to get
portions of the changes merged in to reduce OpenBSD-specific patches.

[0] - <>
[1] - <>
[2] - <>
[3] - <>
[4] - <>


Attachment: profile-sync-daemon.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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