I'd like to port GNS3 (GUI for dynamips [Cisco hardware emulator]; dynamips
only mode for now, fancy QEMU things are untested) to OpenBSD, it requires one
port updates (emulators/dynamips) and two new ports as a dependencies
(devel/py-aiofiles and www/py-aiohttp-cors), not counting GNS3 suite itself,
which consists of gns3-server, gns3-gui, ubridge and vpcs.

I plan to separate this to three steps in hope that it will be easier for
committers to review the patches and new ports:

- update for emulators/dynamips

- new port for devel/py-aiofiles
- new port for www/py-aiohttp-cors

- new ports for the gns3 suite (gns3-server, gns3-gui, ubridge, vpcs)

Link to the whole patch: https://freebsd.org/~misha/gns3.patch

Testing and comments are appreciated.

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