On 2023/02/21 06:07, Edward Ahlsen-Girard wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 08:19:15 +0000
> Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> > You have a mixture of packages with different library versions. Run
> > pkg_add -u.
> > 
> Error has diminished to:
> "ld.so: keepassxc: can't load library 'libdouble-conversion.so.1.0'
> Killed" i.e., "warning: libzstd.so.6.1: minor version >= 2 expected,
> using it anyway" is gone.
> Firefox behavior mentioned in a different message is
> unchanged. pkg_add -u was run with no package specified and again with
> each package specified.

Which mirror are you using? Check that all files in the packages dir
on the mirror are from around the same date/time.

Any errors from pkg_add -u? (You don't need to specify each package,
just run "pkg_add -u" by itself).

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