
I took p5-OpenAI-API,2.tgz from Stuart and update OpenAI::API to 0.25
which I saw in CPAN.

Port changes:
- version bumped to 0.25
- new dependencies added
- plist updated
- checksums regenerated via makesum

New version p5-OpenAI-API,3.tgz attached.

I did simple test via:


use warnings;
use strict;
use OpenAI::API;

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

open(my $fh, '<', 'key.conf') or die $!;
my $key = <$fh>;
close($fh) or die $!;

chomp $key;

my $ai = OpenAI::API->new(api_key => $key);
print Dumper($ai->models());

print Dumper($ai->chat(model => 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
                messages => [ { 'role' => 'user', 'content' => 'What is 
OpenBSD?' }, ]));

and I got some data back. Didn't had time to look into it more, but I guess
it works?

On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 12:01:00PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2023/02/25 17:36, Todd T. Fries wrote:
> > Penned by Stuart Henderson on 20230221  9:37.50, we have:
> > | On 2023/02/20 15:14, Todd T. Fries wrote:
> > | > This is not used by anything, yet.
> > | > 
> > | > Comment:
> > | > A Perl module for accessing the OpenAI API
> > | 
> > | s/A //
> > | 
> > | > Feedback?  If OK, please commit, I don't have commit access since
> > | > I fell off the radar.
> > | 
> > | There's no attachment.
> > 
> > Getting back into the swing is hard. Or probably I just goofed. Here ya go, 
> > with the above
> > suggestion!
> > -- 
> > Todd T. Fries . http://todd.fries.net/pgp.txt . @unix2mars . 
> > github:toddfries
> Tweaked version (tar attached) is OK with me if someone would like to
> commit. (I've only built and run "make test", I have no interest in
> signing up for an api key). I'll comment on the changes inline:
> : diff --git devel/p5-OpenAI-API/Makefile devel/p5-OpenAI-API/Makefile
> : index 9d33fb2..9025886 100644
> : --- devel/p5-OpenAI-API/Makefile
> : +++ devel/p5-OpenAI-API/Makefile
> : @@ -1,24 +1,16 @@
> : -# : Makefile,v 1.2 2005/12/01 22:37:28 steven Exp $
> : -
> the main part of the ports tree is not using RCS IDs any more (only
> for infrastructure)
> :  COMMENT=           Perl module for accessing the OpenAI API
> :  
> :  MODULES=           cpan
> : -VER=                       0.07
> : -DISTNAME=          OpenAI-API-${VER}
> : -PKGNAME=           p5-${DISTNAME}
> : -CATEGORIES=                devel perl5
> : +DISTNAME=          OpenAI-API-0.07
> : +CATEGORIES=                devel
> simplify, the p5- prefix and 'perl' CATEGORIES are added automatically
> by MODULES=cpan.
> :  CPAN_AUTHOR=               NFERRAZ
> :  
> :  MAINTAINER=                Todd T. Fries <t...@fries.net>
> :  
> :  # Artistic
> : +PERMIT_PACKAGE=            Yes
> PERMIT_DISTFILES is defaulted to Yes if PERMIT_PACKAGE is set.
> : -BUILD_DEPENDS+=    www/p5-libwww \
> : +RUN_DEPENDS=               www/p5-libwww \
> :                     converters/p5-JSON-MaybeXS
> although in this case it makes no difference, often there are some
> 'hidden' build dependencies (for example, Module::Build for a perl port
> using CONFIGURE_STYLE=modbuild, or autoconf etc for some other ports),
> so avoid setting it this way round.
> if you need this, do it the other way round instead,
> BUILD_DEPENDS=${RUN_DEPENDS}, this is less likely to pollute the run deps.
> but in this port the build dep isn't doing much; just avoids a warning
> at build time. if it were a port with a more complex set of dependencies
> I might argue to keep listing them as BUILD_DEPENDS to make it easier
> to check updates, but in this case it's a short list and easy to check
> by hand.
> :  
> : -
> already set by MODULES=cpan
> :  .include <bsd.port.mk>
> : diff --git devel/p5-OpenAI-API/pkg/DESCR devel/p5-OpenAI-API/pkg/DESCR
> : index 004d87e..413129c 100644
> : --- devel/p5-OpenAI-API/pkg/DESCR
> : +++ devel/p5-OpenAI-API/pkg/DESCR
> : @@ -1 +1,7 @@
> : -Perl module for accessing the OpenAI API
> : +OpenAI::API is a Perl module that provides an interface to the OpenAI
> : +API, which allows you to generate text, translate languages, summarize
> : +text, and perform other tasks using the language models developed by
> : +OpenAI.
> : +
> : +To use the OpenAI::API module, you will need an API key, which you can
> : +obtain by signing up for an account on the OpenAI website.
> if possible DESCR should have a bit more in than just a copy of COMMENT.


Attachment: p5-OpenAI-API,3.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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