On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 08:52:41AM +0200, Landry Breuil wrote:

Hello Landry,

> When it's enabled/disabled, is there a
> ~/.config/autostart/xfce4-screensaver.desktop file with Hidden=true ?
> supposedly, that's what should "prevent" it to start, ie this desktop file
> "overrides" /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-screensaver.desktop

I installed xfce4-screensaver, logged out and back in, and yes there is an
xfce4-screensaver process. I do also have the file you mention:

  $ cat .config/autostart/xfce4-screensaver.desktop
  [Desktop Entry]

And now I've uninstalled xfce4-screensaver again ;) That file is still
present so, presumably, it was created at some point in the past when the
screensaver was enabled and now it hasn't been disabled. I might be wrong,


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