
This is a port of luasteam which is used by several games made with lua
or the love2d engine. It is just a shared object file which acts
similarly to libcsteamworks and hlsteam which we already have in ports
for other cases. It links to goldberg_emulator's libsteam_api.so. It
seems that the naming of the file as "luasteam.so" is fairly set and
expected this way by the games that look for it.

With this and love-11 installed, it is simple to run the games "Gravity
Circuit"[1] and "SNKRX"[2].

For the former, use 7zip to extract the AppImage and then:
$ LUA_CPATH=/usr/local/lib/luasteam.so love-11 bin/GravityCircuit

For the latter, just run:
$ LUA_CPATH=/usr/local/lib/luasteam.so love-11 SNKRX.exe

There are likely more games that I haven't identified yet, but these 2
would already be worth a fairly straightforward port IMO...


[1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/858710/Gravity_Circuit/
[2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/915310/SNKRX/

Attachment: luasteam.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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