On 2023 Sep 16 (Sat) at 07:30:46 -0400 (-0400), Ian Darwin wrote:
:On Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 11:36:08AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
:> > Unfortunately there is a show-stopper here. We have to fix/update
:> > security/ghidra which is not trivial.
:> The ghidra port is really outdated, even from just a quick look at
:> release notes various of the changes look security-related, not what you
:> want when analysing (possibly malicious) binaries. At this point,
:> especially since it was already noticed >1y ago, I don't think ghidra
:> should stand in the way of updatng gradle, I'd be ok with marking ghidra
:> BROKEN and updating gradle.
:I concur.

So to me the only question is timing.  Do we disable ghirda before
release because it is so dangerous, or do we disable it after release and
give interested people some time to fix it?

Worst Vegetable of the Year:
        The brussels sprout.  This is also the worst vegetable of next
                -- Steve Rubenstein

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