Hi ports@,

Here's a port for this neat little hex editor with vim keybindings.

There is no man page for hyx unfortunately, but passing the `--help`
or `-h` flag tells you all about it.

The upstream makefile has no install target which is why I opted for
a do-install in the port.

% pkg_info hyx
Information for inst:hyx-2021.06.09

minimal cli hex editor with Vim-like keybindings

minimalistic but powerful terminal hex editor with features such as:
insert/replace/delete, copy/paste, undo/redo, search, colors and
vim-inspired controls.

Maintainer: Thim Cederlund <t...@cederlund.de>

WWW: https://yx7.cc/code

Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Thim Cederlund

Attachment: hyx.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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