
Tom ... builds fine on 7.3 & 7.4 Current ...

Im updating the changelog and will circulate on list...  once completed,

but it is an exciting release (im well chuffed with the Work that
Chris, Stefan,  (and somtimes me ) put in )


Tom Smyth

On Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 12:22, Stefan Sperling <s...@stsp.name> wrote:
> Update NSH to version 1.2.
> This release ships about 6 months worth of fixes and enhancements.
> I hope there will be smaller releases on a more regular schedule in
> the future, timed less close to ports-lock.
> The main benefit of this upgrade is that nsh will now work fine as
> a login shell, making it worth being listed in /etc/shells.
> The 'enable' command will now re-exec to the root user, with authentication
> via /etc/doas.conf or the root password. There is no more need for wrapper
> scripts involving doas or sudo starting nsh as root.
> Thanks to claudio@ for suggesting this design change.
> New features:
> the "enable" command switches to the root user via doas.conf or root password
> add bgpnsh(8), a minimal version of nsh for use as a BGP looking-glass shell
> add umb(4) support
> allow nsh commands to be piped to standard input from another process
> allow empty configuration files to be filled with data from /etc/examples
> add "show pf" commands to display pf firewall status
> add "show crontab", "crontab edit", "crontab install" commands
> add "show environment", "setenv", "unsetenv", and 'saveenv' commands
> ok?
> -----------------------------------------------
> diff ee7c68ff49b85bd3287aafeb87a37caf249dc14d 
> 1a6361e5c0dfbb57d2717a0b887bb9f794c0d721
> commit - ee7c68ff49b85bd3287aafeb87a37caf249dc14d
> commit + 1a6361e5c0dfbb57d2717a0b887bb9f794c0d721
> blob - 0aaceefc96346a2389b06c8bfd669198766ad537
> blob + a04db8534b2234268a982f7b2a262d54834a9188
> --- shells/nsh/Makefile
> +++ shells/nsh/Makefile
> @@ -1,42 +1,47 @@
>  COMMENT =      network switch style shell
> -
> -GH_ACCOUNT =   yellowman
> -GH_PROJECT =   nsh
> -GH_TAGNAME =   v1.1
>  CATEGORIES =   shells net
>  HOMEPAGE =     https://www.nmedia.net/nsh/
> +V =            1.2
> +DISTNAME =     nsh-${V}
> +SITES =                
> https://github.com/yellowman/nsh/releases/download/v${V}/
>  MAINTAINER =   Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu>
>  # BSD
>  PERMIT_PACKAGE =       Yes
> +# uses pledge()
>  WANTLIB += c curses edit sqlite3
>  FLAVORS =      static
>  FLAVOR ?=
> -MAKE_FLAGS =   CC="${CC}" \
> -               CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \
> +CPPFLAGS =     -I${LOCALBASE}/include \
> +               -DNSH_REXEC_PATH=${LOCALBASE}/bin/nsh
> +
> +MAKE_ENV =     CC="${CC}" \
> +               CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}" \
>                 LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib"
>  LIB_DEPENDS =  databases/sqlite3
> +
>  .if ${FLAVOR:Mstatic}
> -MAKE_FLAGS +=  LDADD="-ledit -ltermcap -lsqlite3 -lm -lpthread -static"
> +MAKE_FLAGS +=  LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -ledit -ltermcap -lsqlite3 -lm 
> -lpthread -static"
>  .endif
>  NO_TEST=       Yes
> -do-install:
> -       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKDIST}/nsh ${PREFIX}/bin
> -       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIST}/nsh.8 ${PREFIX}/man/man8/
> +post-configure:
> +       ${MAKE} -C ${WRKDIST} obj
> +
> +post-install:
>  .for i in save-ro.sh save-rw.sh
>         ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIST}/${i} ${PREFIX}/bin
>  .endfor
>         ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/nsh
> -       sed -i s,/usr/local,${LOCALBASE},g ${WRKDIST}/MANUAL
> +.for i in README.md COPYRIGHT
>         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/${i} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/nsh/
>  .endfor
> blob - 2492a4efdcc68c8b34cb856649bd213dd17527ae
> blob + 66553f4bfd591f6ca681c2ffd6208f44ff935571
> --- shells/nsh/distinfo
> +++ shells/nsh/distinfo
> @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
> -SHA256 (nsh-1.1.tar.gz) = v0sHzQ2zEoAzbsaZVeVuhp2R0R37cZvNy/RvJ0Df2Pc=
> -SIZE (nsh-1.1.tar.gz) = 185700
> +SHA256 (nsh-1.2.tar.gz) = XFfUOMhVUCyn+5PhCoXafNIhXxi/GCPXYw2AskzoR/4=
> +SIZE (nsh-1.2.tar.gz) = 218922
> blob - 247187103b8ceb212dd73ae979309741337c333e
> blob + e0707c1e344d5c8f62297f52c1e9d651fd5ec15e
> --- shells/nsh/pkg/PLIST
> +++ shells/nsh/pkg/PLIST
> @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
> +@shell bin/bgpnsh
>  @shell bin/nsh
>  bin/save-ro.sh
>  bin/save-rw.sh
> @@ -8,9 +9,11 @@ bin/save-rw.sh
>  @mode
>  @owner
>  @group
> +@mode 04555
> +@bin libexec/nshdoas
> +@mode
> +@man man/man8/bgpnsh.8
>  @man man/man8/nsh.8
>  share/doc/nsh/
>  share/doc/nsh/COPYRIGHT
> -share/doc/nsh/MANUAL
> -share/doc/nsh/README
> -share/doc/nsh/TODO
> +share/doc/nsh/README.md

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth.

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