Hi all,

attached is a new port, which is bascially urlview, but better.

Most notably, it shows context parts from the email, so it's easier to
know which link belongs to which reference text.

cat pkg/DESCR:
Urlscan is a small program that is designed to integrate with the
"mutt" mailreader to allow you to easily launch a Web browser for URLs
contained in email messages. It is a replacement for the "urlview"

Relative to urlview, urlscan has the following additional features:

* Support for emails in quoted-printable and base64 encodings. No more
  stripping out =40D from URLs by hand!

* The context of each URL is provided along with the URL. For HTML
  mails, a crude parser is used to render the HTML into text. Context
  view can be toggled on/off with c.

* URLs are shortened by default to fit on one line. Viewing full URL
  (for one or all) is toggled with s or S.

* Jump to a URL by typing the number.

* Incremental case-insensitive search with /.

* Execute an arbitrary function (for example, copy URL to clipboard)
  instead of opening URL in a browser.

* Use l to cycle through whether URLs are opened using the Python
  webbrowser module (default), xdg-open (if installed) or opened by a
  function passed on the command line with --run or --run-safe.

* Configure colors and keybindings via ~/.config/urlscan/config.json.
  Generate default config file for editing by running urlscan -g. Cycle
  through available palettes with p. Set display width with --width.

* Copy URL to clipboard with C or to primary selection with P. Requires
  xsel or xclip.

* Run a command with the selected URL as the argument or pipe the
  selected URL to a command.

* Show complete help menu with F1. Hide header on startup with --nohelp.

* Use a custom regular expression with -E for matching urls or any other
  pattern. In junction with -r, this effectively turns urlscan into a
  general purpose CLI selector-type utility.

* Scan certain email headers for URLs. Currently Link, Archived-At and
  List-* are scanned when --headers is passed.

* Queue multiple URLs for opening and open them all at once with a and o.

I started the port and will take MAINTAINER. Laurent polished it, thank you!

Tested and in use for two weeks here on amd64.

OK to import?

- Stefan

Attachment: urlscan.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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