Does any developer with CVS access can/want to publish it ?
I personally don't have the rights to publish it, but I would be happy to 
publish it and maintain it if I can/need to.
Congrats for OpenBSD 7.4 btw!


------- Original Message -------
On Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 at 11:45 AM, Stuart Henderson 
<> wrote:

> On 2023/10/09 22:03, lauf3y wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I would like to publish a port of a software named eza.
> > eza is a modern, maintained replacement for ls, built on exa.
> > It's written in Rust, is fairly new and well maintained. It's a fork of 
> > exa, which was a very popular replacement of ls. But sadly, exa isn't 
> > maintained anymore.
> > So, eza was created with the idea in mind to be maintained, 
> > community-driven and durable.
> > Even tho eza was mainly tested to work on Linux, it works well on other 
> > OSes, and give importance to the BSD the community. For example, they 
> > pinned the issue about BSD native support: 
> >
> > 
> > So, what do you think of a port of eza for OpenBSD?
> > 
> > lauf3y
> > 
> > ===
> > Useful links:
> > -
> > -
> > -
> Here's a port based on the existing exa port. Perhaps it makes sense
> to remove exa and add eza in its place...

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