On 2023/11/08 08:22, Lucas Gabriel Vuotto wrote:
> Hey Jason,
> On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 09:43:38PM +1100, jasfi...@emailme.net.au wrote:
> > I am using the latest OpenBSD 7.4 version along with Hiawatha 10.11
> > installed. Unfortunately, I am unable to update the latest version Hiawatha
> > 11.4 that found in OpenBSD Ports Readme: port www/hiawatha (openports.pl)
> > and ports/www/hiawatha/ (openbsd.org) .
> > 
> > When I run a package command pkg_add -u hiawatha-10.11 or even pkg_add
> > hiawatha-11.4 OpenBSD response in below are:
> > Can't find Hiawatha-11.4
> > Couldn't install Hiawatha-11.4
> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/www/hiawatha/Makefile
> In revision 1.68, "PERMIT_PACKAGE = Yes" was removed due to licenses
> incompatibilities, meaning that the port is able to build but OpenBSD
> isn't able to distribute it. Your only option is building it yourself.

Hiawatha is licensed under GPL version 2 (only) but it requires a TLS
library, mbedtls. This used to be dual licensed (Apache + GPL) and at
that time it was ok to distribute binaries (the combination resulting in
GPLv2-licensed binaries).

Newer versions of hiawatha require newer mbedtls; these versions of
mbedtls are only available under Apache license. Distributing a binary
with the combination of GPLv2 code with Apache-licensed library is not
permitted by these licenses (the Apache license has extra restrictions
in the form of patent-related clauses - GPLv2 does not allow this).

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