On 2023/11/09 09:08, wen heping wrote:
> Hi, ports@:
>     I updated my portstree just now but failed install databases/pkglocatedb,
> maybe it is caused by:
> ...
> piewm-1.04p3:x11/piewm:
> pmenu-3.1.1:x11/pmenu:
> >> Broken dependency: x11/polkit-qt5 non existent
> podbrowser-0.12p12:x11/podbrowser:
> polybar-3.6.3p0:x11/polybar:
> pwm-20070720:x11/pwm:
> py-gtk2-2.24.0p13:x11/py-gtk2:
> ...
>    Any suggestion to fix it ?
>    Thanks at advance !
> wen

If your tree is already fully up to date, look for old files in any dir

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