Laurent Cheylus wrote (2023-07-05 07:50 CEST):
> cc solene@ and (initial request to create this
> port)
> Proposal to import a new port multimedia/ytfzf for ytfzf tool
> ytfzf is a shell script that helps you find Youtube videos (without API) and
> opens/downloads them using mpv/youtube-dl.
> Initial port for version 2.6.0:
>   - no build, only an install stage to copy script, manpages, example for
> config and copy addons
>   - patch script for addons directory => substitute VAR for ${TRUEPREFIX}
>   - RUN_DEPENDS for jq, curl, fzf, multimedia/mpv and www/yt-dlp
>   - no dependency for ueberzugpp (no port for OpenBSD)
> Basic tests searching Youtube videos and displaying the list of results with
> fzf.
> Please test, comments welcome and commit if OK.

I just found this on ports@ after I started to create a port on my own.
Attached is an updated version (2.6.1) which also uses DIST_TUPLE. I
also broke RUN_DEPENDS into one dependency per line. It's just easier to

Without thumbnails, ytfzf works fine. I tried the imv, mpv and chafa thumbnail
generation. They don't work because fzf is being killed by pledge:

$ ytfzf -t -T {chafa,mpv,imv}
fzf[85237]: pledge "wpath", syscall 5

This happens, because fzf is trying to open the prefiew image in /tmp

  46440 fzf      NAMI  "/tmp/fzf-preview-1776267355"
  46440 fzf      PLDG  open, "wpath", errno 1 Operation not permitted

As you're also maintaining fzf, maybe you want to look at this?

Best regards,

Attachment: ytfzf.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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