Joachim Schipper writes:

> On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 04:14:40PM +0200, Andreas Vögele wrote:
>> [...]
>> I haven't made any progress on the CLISP port.  Gambit-C and PLT
>> Scheme look more promising.  I'll probably use one of these Scheme
>> implementations instead of CLISP.
> FWIW, gambit is very easy to install, with or without termite; I
> ./configure; install-ed the latest 4.0 beta and it appears to work
> just fine (on i386).

Yes, that's why I'm considering Gambit-C.  PLT Scheme also seems to
work fine on i386 when configured with --enable-cgcdefault and

> If you are just learning, though, I don't really see the benefit of
> Gambit; sure, it's fast, and sure, Termite is cool (if not necessarily
> useful),

I do most of my programming in C and Perl but am looking for a Scheme
or Lisp implementation that I can use for prototyping and exploration.
A good FFI as well as portability to lots of architectures and
operating systems is important.  I'm also considering Ruby and Erlang
but I kind of like Scheme :-)

> but Chicken works for most purposes and is in ports. And it has a
> lot more bindings to libraries available (slib and snow are
> interesting, but implementation-agnostic and thus don't contain FFI
> stuff, which is a lot of what you need for web-app-ish things, for
> instance).

Hm, the last time I looked at Chicken I didn't like the FFI very much.
But, looking at Chicken's web site, it seems that much more mappings
from C to Scheme types are now available.  IIRC early versions of
Chicken completely lacked mappings to fixed size types like uint32_t.

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