Russ Sharek wrote (2024-01-21 20:18 CET):
> On January 10, 2024 12:16:50 AM EST, Russ Sharek <> wrote:
> >Hello!
> >
> >I found a cool little TUI front-end for the misc/remind calendar tool, 
> >and have put together a port.
> >
> >homepage:
> >
> >I've tested this on amd64.
> >
> >Notes? OK?
> Haven't heard anything regarding this port. 
> Can someone please have a look?


I can give some feedback.

I don't mind the README, but it should be correct. remincal has a
fallback to "vim". So when vim is installed, EDITOR is not required
to be set.

See: remind.go:160      if editor == "" { editor = "vim" }

$ cat distinfo
SHA256 (v0.1.0.tar.gz) = /81STC/8eMW46gcHCF1/3UQJYrHL9EagggXr0daVkiI=
SIZE (v0.1.0.tar.gz) = 66383

This is no good and can clash in DISTDIR. The distfile name can be
altered by using the construct fixed-filename{download-filename}.tgz.

Like so:
DISTFILES =             remindcal-${V}{v${V}}${EXTRACT_SUFX}

You don't need to define EXTRACT_SUFX. It's ".tar.gz" by default.

There's a better way to do this port. Your approach would be good if 
the author would have uploaded proper release tarballs. But as we're 
grabbing a tagged version, we can use the DIST_TUPLE mechanism, which
also sets HOMEPAGE and DISTFILES correctly.

My proposal for the Makefile:

COMMENT =               terminal frontend for remind
DIST_TUPLE =            github realsirjoe remindcal v0.1.0 .
CATEGORIES =            misc

MAINTAINER =            Russ Sharek <>


WANTLIB += c curses pthread

MODULES =               lang/go

RUN_DEPENDS =           misc/remind


.include <>

Best Regards,

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