Hi ports@, hi ports hackers,

I would like to get rid of 'x11/qt5/qtwebkit'. Here is a short list with
ports using qtwebkit with some comments. All $MAINTAINER CC'd.

- geo/qgis: I can't imagine that such an active project would still use it.
- x11/py-qt5: Easy to remove
- x11/qt5/docs: Easy to remove
- x11/qt5/qttools: Easy to remove
- x11/smtube: Upstream dead? Nobody package is anymore:
- devel/zeal: I have an WIP update.
- www/ruby-capybara-webkit: Sent to ports for removal
- textproc/goldendict: I know, there is an issue with qt6 goldendict. I think
  that is the same issue as it is in zeal.
- databases/recoll: Needs an update, upstream switched to qt5-webengine
- productivity/libalkimia: Needs an update, upstream switched to qt5-webengine
- databases/kexi: On my list, remove the dependency
- devel/kreport: On my list, remove the dependency
- multimedia/upplay: Needs an update, ping maintainer
- net/qsyncthingtray: dead upstream?
- misc/subsurface: dead upstream?
- meta/qt5: On my list
- mail/trojita: Already removed

I would be delighted if the maintainers could take a look at this.

Grateful for any support!


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