On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 06:01:42PM +0200, Matthias Kilian wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 11:54:18PM -0500, Gilles Chehade wrote:
> > 1- even though the PLIST starts with @newuser, the user does not get
> >     created and I am forced to create it manually. Anyone can
> >     explain what I do wrong ?
> You mean during fake stage? Well, the user is created add install
> time, i.e. when you run pkg_add(8) or make install.
> At least I can't build it here because it tries to chown some stuff
> to _news during fake.

mh :/
ok I get it now, I had trouble separating the fake process from install
in my mind yesterday night, so instead of chowning the files to _news
when they are created, I should really create them but defer the chown
to post-install right ?

As is, the chown error disappear if you create the user manually and
install the port afterwards, which now makes sense to me ... will fix
it ;-)

> ksh: }fmt: not found
> floating around the archives), especially on patch-support_install-sh.
> Unfortunately, Deannas port seems to be unavailable.

I don't get that :-)

> > 2- this one being my first port, I probably did some thing(s) wrong,
> >     it would be great if someone could review and tell me what I
> >     need to fix and what could/should be improved/changed.
> Some nits:
> * COMMENT doesn't need quotes any longer.

Ok dokie

> * --with-etc-dir=${PREFIX}/share/examples/inn looks wrong, it should be
>   set to ${SYSCONFDIR}/news or similar. Same vor --with-db-dir, let
>   it point to /var/news/db. Funny enough, looking at my own old
>   port, I see lots of fishy things there, too, e.g. using ${LOCALBASE}
>   instead of ${PREFIX} in setting CONFIGURE_ARGS.

I am at work so I cannot look right now, but basically if I use SYSCONFDIR
it will copy the files and I get errors about bogus paths. I looked at the
port for leafnode and I *understood* (which means there's a high chance I
got it wrong ;-) that it copied the configuration files in the example
directory them use @sample to "install" them in SYSCONFDIR. The same
applies for --with-db-dir, the files are installed in the example dir then
installed using @sample.

> * your patch-Makefile_global_in looks strange, too. I'm not sure wether
>   WRKINST is guaranteed to be in the environment or passed to make.
>   In general, if you want to override things like DESTDIR, try to
>   add them to the environment, using MAKE_ENV or MAKE_FLAGS resp.
>   FAKE_FLAGS depending on your needs before starting to patch things.

Okie, I will change that, I thought that using WRKINST was the proper
way over using environment variables (I have been forced in two places
to set an environment variable for makedbz to work and it looked a lot
like a dirty hack to me ;-)

> > 3- I am not very familiar with inn, maybe some more experienced user
> >     can help with the default config file and examples ?
> Well, years ago I used to use a much older version of INN, on a
> leaf site, with UUCP, so I'm not of the biggest help here until I
> get the time to read all the documentation.

The configuration as is doesnt prevent the server from running and for
my tests I basically `make install`, run the daemon, create a newsgroup,
post to it, read my post. it works fine, but I thought it would be nice
to include some configurations and have "someone who knows" make sure
that the default configuration is not unsafe.

> >     - needs /usr NOT to be nosuid (innd requires to be called
> [...]
> That's no problem, we've other ports that need suid.

Oki dokie, I'll still try to find some time to figure out if there's
room for improvement, but I frankly don't want to make this my
priority unless I'm sure that they will be merged upstream (I will
look at the source more in depth then eventually get in touch with
someone there before I even start ;-)

> Ciao,
>       Kili

Thanks a lot, you've been and you are very helpful !

sysadmin & coder @ http://www.evilkittens.org/
coder            @ http://www.exalead.com/

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