On Wed, 21 Feb 2024, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> > Thanks.
> > 
> > I think there are a few more things than just gimp left though.

My current plan is going to remove these ports in the next few days unless 
I hear otherwise, and ok's welcome:
- audio/mkplaylist
- mail/archivemail
- textproc/yould
- devel/git-cvs (based on comment from Stuart below)

For editors/cooledit I will remove the python FLAVOR.

> > 
> > On my end I'm seeing the harder ones are:
> > - print/fontforge and consumers (solfege, lilypond and mftrace)
> > - gimp and plugins, as you say
> > - lang/pypy (edd@ might have a plan)
> this has been marked broken for a while now.

Yep. Would love to see it come back to life, but I guess if not we can 
retire py2 and keep it marked as broken in the tree.

> > - lang/flang and lang/cparser (bcallah@ may have a plan)
> flang seems to be out of sync with LLVM versions anyway.

And is already marked broken, so we could keep as is like pypy

> cparser doesn't use python at all?

cparser goes together with devel/libfirm which uses python2.

> > - a few pygame games I happen to like and have been slowly porting to 
> >   python3
> btw fretsonfire (py2) doesn't seem to work at all. that's the only user
> of py2 graphics/py-opengl and py2-Pillow.

so frestonfire is a bit weird. I remember it working on some of my 
boxes but not others.

Like it worked on amd boxes but not intel or certain video cards worked 
and others didn't. I suspect something in the drm stack that fretsonfire 
isn't using properly. I should spend some time to figure it out as it's a 
fun game.

> > - a few source control things (cvs2svn and py-rcparse consumers)
> devel/git-cvs has problems anyway and I would be ok with removing it.

Great! I'll add to the list of removals.

> - this from my sent mail from 2015 when I reported it:
> ---
>                [...]           When an update is committed to a file
> that was previously imported, the import is shown again in "git log". It
> looks like it happens for the first commit after import. [...]
> Strangely if I use "git log ." instead of "git log", the extra commit isn't
> shown.
> ---
> i'd be ok with removing this and cvs20hg and making py-rcsparse py3-only.
> > - sysutils/conky
> doesn't use python?

The xmms2 flavor depends on audio/xmms2 which uses python2. I guess we 
could remove the xmms2 flavor from conky instead of updating.

> > - net/mininet, our version seems to be based on an openbsd-specific fork 
> >   of 2.2.0, but upstream 2.3.0 has python3 support now.
> > - 2 emulators (dynagen, gambatte)
> i think retiring dynamips + dynagen would be reasonable at this point.

Good to know, will take a closer look at these soon.

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