
On Friday, February 23, 2024 15:20 CET, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> 

> On 2024/02/18 21:51, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > security/volatility is gone. This is volatility3, a reimplementation in 
> > Python3.
> > For some some reason, building the package it tries to create 
> > ~/.cache/volatility3
> > directory. Which later on is then missing. It has to be created before 
> > first run.
> I think you should remove the patch and use "PORTHOME = ${WRKDIR}"
> instead, then I think you can get rid of the pkg-readme bit about
> creating the cache dir because if I read correctly the code should
> handle it.

indeed it works that way, much better.

> MODPY_PYTEST isn't appropriate here - there is pytest infrastructure
> but something is missing so the tests don't run ("fixture 'image' not
> found") and I couldn't figure out where to get that from; fixing
> that would be preferable, but otherwise I'd do something like
> # fixture 'image' not found
> NO_TEST = Yes

I looked at it, and I think you have to provide an image, and then point the 
test script onto the image. I tried that somehow, just to see, but it didn't 
worked out, and I gave up.

> pkg-readme doessn't follow the standard format from infrastructure/templates.

updated as well.

> > Additionally to make use of it, symbol files have to be downloaded and put
> > into the right place.
> Would it make sense to include those, either in the main volatility
> port, or a separate port/ports (maybe with volatility having a RUN_DEPENDS
> on them)? (Pity those distfiles don't have version numbers).

I don't know how often those get updated, having to mirror them would likely 
be quite painful. Additionally, they are quite big.
Could provide a helper script to ease download, but not sure, if it's all worth 

updated version attached.


Attachment: volatility3.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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