On Wed Apr 03, 2024 at 11:17:46PM -0700, Courtney wrote:
> The most recent package builds for -current introduced a new issue
> between nextcloudclient and kf5-kwallet.
> OpenBSD 7.5-current (GENERIC.MP) #14: Wed AprĀ  3 17:26:03 MDT 2024
> as well as the Apr 2 build.
> Normally on logging into an xsession, nextcloudclient makes a request
> to kwallet to get the credentials, which then prompts me to enter my
> password to unlock kwallet. I don't get any errors from nextcloudclient.
> Courtney

|+# https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/6.0_Release_notes
|+                       -DBUILD_KWALLET_QUERY=OFF

This has something to do with the "KDE Coinstallability" plan.  Unfortunately,
I had to deactivate it. And we have to wait until devel/kf6 is imported AND
nextcloudclient switch from KF5 to KF6. Please blame the KDE folks here. Not my
migration plan.


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