On 2024/04/17 17:07, Paco Esteban wrote:
> Hi ports@,
> This is an update of textproc/miller to its latest version 6.12.0
> Upstream rewrote the tool in Go (previously C), so this is an entire
> different port really.
> Builds, tests pass and works for me on amd64.
> I had to override some targets as they do things not in the standard Go
> way.
> Ok to commit ?

Small tweak (I thought of something to test after my suggestion ;) then it's ok:

# zip file contains a UTF-8 character; rename it, but allow the rename to fail 
# case the iconv flavour of unzip is already installed
        -cd ${WRKSRC} && mv test/input/datos-pluriling{++,ΓΌ}es.csv

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