On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 11:49:46AM -0700, Greg Steuck wrote:
> Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> writes:
> > This is in the avx512 checks in the text library again, I think it must
> > be patch-libraries_text_cbits_measure_off_c (the simdutf one doesn't
> > explicitly check for xgetbv but it does check for osxsave so I think
> > wouldn't have executed the xgetbv opcode on this cpu).
> >
> > As -current does now have avx512 support in the kernel we probably
> > should be able to remove that patch, but it needs testing on an avx512
> > machine as well as that old Phenom.
> Sadly I have neither nearby. Furthermore, sumdutf upstream doesn't have
> a fix for this issue either. So this will have to be original work.
> https://github.com/simdutf/simdutf/blob/master/include/simdutf/internal/isadetection.h#L232
> Thanks
> Greg

The line you linked to comes after a check for cpuid_bit::osxsave,
so I don't think it would get reached on machines that don't have
xgetbv, i.e. it should be fine. Similarly, the existing
patch-libraries_text_simdutf_simdutf_h in ports doesn't seem to
cause a problem with my AMD machine. At least, now I have pandoc
working; not sure if I actually exercised that code in simdutf.h.

If it would help, I could update my old AMD machine to -current
and check ghc works with the two patches removed, once I've finished
trying out the patch I just sent for 7.5.


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