On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 11:26:00AM +0300, kasak wrote:
> i'm sorry for bothering.
> my transmission_daemon freezes for unknown reason, I wanted to know is this
> some bug or troubles with my hardware?

I'm the maintainer for net/transmission.  I'm aware of one previously reported
issue with transmission-daemon, where it hangs on start when executed in a
rtable other than the default rtable 0. (I know it's an issue with 
but as yet I have not determined the root cause.)

Your problem appears to be different, since the daemon is able to operate on 
and hangs later.

Are you running 7.5?  -current?  Are you on amd64? Another architecture?

> Freezes happens after day or so. rcctl and ps both show me that daemon is
> running, but i can't connect to web ui and torrents are not downloading or
> uploading
> this is frozen daemon:
> mx$ curl -v gw:9091
> * Host gw:9091 was resolved.
> * IPv6: (none)
> * IPv4:
> *???? Trying
> * Connected to gw ( port 9091
> > GET / HTTP/1.1
> > Host: gw:9091
> > User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> > Accept: */*
> >
> * Request completely sent off
> ^C
> and after restarting it, it works as should:
> mx$ doas rcctl restart transmission_daemon
> transmission_daemon(ok)
> transmission_daemon(ok)
> mx$ curl -v gw:9091
> * Host gw:9091 was resolved.
> * IPv6: (none)
> * IPv4:
> *???? Trying
> * Connected to gw ( port 9091
> > GET / HTTP/1.1
> > Host: gw:9091
> > User-Agent: curl/8.7.1
> > Accept: */*
> >
> * Request completely sent off
> < HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
> < Server: Transmission
> < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
> < Location: /transmission/web/
> < Date: Fri, 03 May 2024 08:03:26 GMT
> < Content-Length: 31
> < Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> <
> * Connection #0 to host gw left intact
> <h1>301: Moved Permanently</h1>mx$
> i think this behavior appeared since 7.5.
> Am I alone with this or maybe someone hit this too?
> And I forgot to mention, no logs from transmission_daemon appearing before
> or after freeze

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