Hey ports@

I want to import x11/nxbelld into the tree.

it is a fork of xbelld.

from DESCR:
nxbelld is a tiny utility to aid people who either don't like the
default PC speaker beep, or use a sound driver that doesn't have
support for the PC speaker.

nxbelld performs a given action every time the X bell is rung.  The
actions nxbelld can currently perform include running a specified
program, emulating the PC speaker beep using your sound card
(default), or playing a PCM encoded WAVE file.



OK to merge? or nits?

-iz (they/them)

> i like to say mundane things, 
> there are too many uninteresting things 
> that go unnoticed.

izder456 (dot) neocities (dot) org

Attachment: nxbelld-0.1.2.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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