
On Sat, 11 May 2024 00:21:18 +0100,
Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
> Hello.
> Kirill A. Korinsky wrote in
>  <>:

BTW this is quite wired address which seems like Message-Id

>  |
>  |I imply that using ed25519 usually leads to malformed signature, and some
>  |big hosting providers treat double signature as bad signature if some of
>  |them are not RSA-SHA256. A notable example is, which delivers \
>  |all
>  |emails with double signatures to the junk folder. At least that's what they
>  |did the last time I checked in December'23.
> Then these are not standard compliant.  The DKIM standard 6376
> *explicitly* supports multiple signatures.

Yes, RFC may imply that but OpenDKMI was released quite a while ago and the
last stable release seems that doesn't handle well this case.

>  |So I suggest to put in README and config exmaple that using anything other
>  |than RSA-SHA256 may lead to delivery email to thte junk. Unfortunately, \
>  |this
>  |includes duble signatures as well.
> On the IETF DKIM list there are people which told me they use such
> a configuration since 2019 without any issues, and i myself use it
> for two months, too, and did not have problems; that cloud thing
> i never saw, though.

Here I've sent to some tool which is used to check email configuration a
test email with 2 singatures [1] and with 1 [2], the same behaviour I saw in

I've tracked that issue last Decemner and it had status that second
signature or non RSA-SHA256 leads to not valid signature and delivery email
into junk folder. Probably.



wbr, Kirill

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