On 19 May 2024 20:08:43 BST, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas <j...@wxcvbn.org> wrote:
>On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 06:28:58PM +0100, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 06:48:17PM +0200, Rafael Sadowski wrote:
>> > Before I go deeper into the rabbit hole I would like to ask for
>> > feedback.  Below you can see my idea. I would like to update lapack,
>> > blas and cblas. Upstream project has decided to use cmake and build
>> > everything in one. I like it because it makes the current situation
>> > simple.
>> Would it make sense to use a reasonably modern egfortran, i.e. gfortran 11,
>> still supported by upstream:
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/
>> over the default gfortran 8.4, which is long past its expiry date:
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-8/
>One issue is that gcc-8 and gcc-11 can't be installed at the same
>time.  That cannot work for bulk builds, so you'd need to switch the
>whole ports tree to gcc-11.  And someone has to volunteer to handle
>that transition.
>Being able to install multiple versions seemingly brings less
>friction.  But it also brings another set of problems (C++ ABI changes
>for examples) and I doubt that it would help much in the long run.

Are there ports which depend on g++ ? (which would be insane IMHO).

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