On 2024/05/29 11:00:24 +0200, Florian Viehweger <open...@out-of-creativity.de> 
> > > While running 'make fake' i saw the following line, but it seems
> > > harmless:
> > > ./get_svn_revision.sh[8]: git: not found
> > 
> > Do the package contents change if git is installed? 
> > 
> > make package
> > make clean=fake
> > doas pkg_add git
> > make repackage
> No, PLIST is not changed.
> After looking at the code, I understand that get_svn_revision.sh checks
> the revision and writes that information into 2 files. This is done to
> avoid spurious rebuilds.
> Since we are not checking out via git and using releases, this is not
> needed. Git rightfully fails itself as this is not a git repository.
> Adding git is therefore not needed.

Yet, it could be useful to neuter it anyway.  It happened in the past
that a developer had /usr/ports has a git checkout and this was causing
some headaches building stuff since the default build directory is under

In graphics/nsxiv for example we have this to avoid patching the port.

        # don't invoke git at all.
                ln -sf /usr/bin/true ${WRKDIR}/bin/git

Just my two cents.  not saying this has to be done for smplayer too, i
honestly haven't reasoned about what can happen in this case if
/usr/ports is under git nor what happens if git is symlinked to true (or

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