Kirill A. Korinsky (2024-06-07 15:34 +0100):
> > afaik they're meant to be getting these from
> > (where EBADMSG *is* present for all OpenBSD platforms) rather than
> > go itself anyway?
> I've already tried it and discovered an issue that x/sys/unix isn't
> available on windows that is expected, but syscall.EBADMSG is available on
> windows. My approach to replace it in fsutil fails on CI [1].
> As far as I know go hasn't got condition compiling that allows to inclide or
> exclude some block of code inside file and the only way is making dedicated
> files which is used at some platforms, that means quite a work to refactor
> fsutil to move away from syscall to x/sys.
> Footnotes:
> [1]  

Is the following approach feasible in fsutil?

Create errors_unix.go:

        //go:build unix

        import ""

        const (
                ebadmsg = unix.EBADMSG
                eexist  = unix.EEXIST
                enotdir = unix.ENOTDIR

Create errors_windows.go:

        import "syscall"

        const (
                ebadmsg = syscall.EBADMSG
                // ...

Then replace "syscall.EBADMSG" with "ebadmsg" in the other files (and
similarly for the other errors).

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