Hi Stuart,

thanks for the update.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 04:23:17PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2024/06/01 18:30, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> > 
> > here's the patch to update www/nginx third-party modules to their
> compiled as part of nginx itself and not in standalone separate ports).


> - mentions the actual modules used in COMMENT-lua to make it obvious
> that -lua needs a bump if ngx_devel_kit is changed

The update of the third-party lua-nginx-module to its recent version
requires two additional ports to run nginx with the module:
- lua-resty-core
- lua-resty-lrucache

Also, since the third-party lua-nginx-module is the part of the
OpenResty distribution, it's probably better to build lua-nginx-module
against luajit2, https://github.com/openresty/luajit2.  That means
another port is required.  So, I kept that part as is.

> unless there are objections I'd like to commit in a few days as most
> of this has been sitting around for ages.  (or earlier if ok'd ;)
> Not included in this diff but want looking at sometime;
> - LIB_DEPENDS is messed up for njs ("LIB_DEPENDS devel/pcre2 not needed for
> www/nginx,-njs" which means that pcre2 is stripped from the dependencies
> for that subpackage - looks like it only uses pcre 1.x?)

njs module supports both pcre1 and pcre2, possible to allow one of
those libraries, and disallow another one.  I'd prefer to see pcre2,
cause pcre1 is out of support for years.

> - other modules want updates:
>   - headers-more 0.37
>   - lua-nginx-module 0.10.26
>   - naxsi https://github.com/wargio/naxsi 1.6
>   - ngx_http_hmac_secure_link_module dc641de6c2ff2dbdaae6c27073f77a3b36fd6d40
>   - (nginx-auth-ldap 241200eac8e4acae74d353291bd27f79e5ca3dc4 but only 
> spelling changes)

Thank you.

Sergey A. Osokin

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