quick addition. i noticed when launching from the menu and the ROM is
unavailable it says:

For more information, see: "(unknown)"

which looks broken to the user so i added a patch that adds Mini vMac's


On 7/3/24 7:11 AM, Jag Talon wrote:
>> Yes, minivmac runs fast enough on my 750 MHz PowerPC G4.
> amazing!
>> Your last tarball has a broken PLIST; I needed to edit it.
>> The .ico file doesn't need @${SUBST_DATA}; please use ${INSTALL_DATA}.
>> Some other ports use SUBST_DATA to expand ${TRUEPREFIX} in their
>> .desktop file, but this port has nothing to expand.  In
>> minivmac.desktop, if we delete /usr/local/share/pixmaps/ from the
>> Icon= line (because other .desktop files don't have it), then there is
>> nowhere to put a ${TRUEPREFIX}.
> thank you for that. i should've looked at what SUBST_DATA was before i
> copy-pasted that in.
> regarding the icon, i noticed that it wasn't showing up properly in
> gnome when specifying the relative path and it turns out .ico isn't in
> the spec
> https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html
> looks like only png, svg, and xpm are expected, so i converted the ico
> using imagemagick to png instead and that works properly now on gnome.
> updated the tarball! OK?


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