El mié, 17 jul 2024 a la(s) 7:04 a.m., Frank Baster
(frankbas...@protonmail.com) escribió:
> Is there any interest in machine learning ports for PyTorch / JAX / 
> TensorFlow? I had a quick look at mlpack but couldn't find support for 
> recurrent neural networks.
> PyTorch looks like the most do-able.

This is possible, but the performance is a big issue here.

For example, you can build PyTorch using Vulkan Backend
(https://pytorch.org/tutorials/prototype/vulkan_workflow.html - in
OpenBSD Vulkan support is very good) but Vulkan Backend is slow when
you compare with specific AI HW accel options.

In my case I use Llama.cpp with Vulkan support enable on AMD RX 580
for curiosity, and work fine is very usable.

Give a read for this: Kompute (https://kompute.cc/). This is a general
purpose GPU compute framework for AI using Vulkan Kompute.

"Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra"

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