I'm a non-developer and amateur openbsd user.
I'm running current on a test machine, it is my own build (release and 
xenocara) from 16.09.2007.

I've installed vlc from ports. When I run the vlc application, I can't read the 
font. The vlc gui is displayed correctly
but the font is replaced with a lot of rectangles .... as a result menus are 

Running vlc (0.8.6c) from the command line shows a lot of Pango-WARNING **:
vlc:/usr/local/lib/vlc/codec/libquicktime_plugin.so: undefined symbol 'NewHandle
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: File not found
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: Failed to load Pango module '/usr/local/lib/pango/1.
5.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so' for id 'BasicScriptEngineFc'
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: File not found
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: File not found
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: pango_shape called with bad font, expect ugly output
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: pango_font_get_glyph_extents called with null font a
rgument, expect ugly output
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: pango_font_get_metrics called with null font argumen
t, expect ugly output
(.:2694): Pango-WARNING **: _pango_cairo_font_install called with bad font, expe
ct ugly output

I never had problems with that before, could someone tell me what is wrong 
Did I do some error at some installation point?

"pkg_info pango-1.16.5" shows that mozilla-firefox- and seamonkey uses 
it too, but they work just fine?!

Thank you very much for helping!
Kind regards 

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