On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 10:31:14AM +0200, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm starting to think there is something wrong with auich.
> I'm also having problems with auich, not only with zsnes. They were
> that bad that I switched my laptop to NetBSD where it works without
> any problems. I couldn't even listen to music since all few minutes the
> sound was broken again. I reported this, but was ignored.

I have noticed problems with more the just ZSNES as well, however usually most
stuff in OpenBSD ports works fine, and I was assuming it was a task that 
required sound work to be done to said offending application. I did try quake2
in ports and was having some issues with audio.

In unrelated applications that are NOT ported (apologies if this kind of 
reporting is of absolutely no use) I have been thinking of getting some items
ported myself, listed at 


The list is rather large and not to be taken seriously at this point, but
among those I have had serious issues with is FCEU, uhexen2, tyr-quake to name
a few off the top of my head. In instances where I get an application to build
with SDL and have sound issues (knowing it uses sdl for audio) I can sometimes
get use and others just lose audio at all after a few choppy noises when the
said program is started. I only mention this in hopes it may help exhibit
symptoms for fixing, though again may not be of use until I get actual ports
frameworks around these. regards,


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