On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 06:26:48PM +0300, Paul Irofti wrote:
> This is the postgresql odbc driver for iodbc.  Works fine for amd64 and
> i386. 
> pkg/DESCR:
> The official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver
> I've attempted to make this a multipackage for unicode but failed 
> miserably. 
> If anyone is willing to help me make it into a multipackage please 
> send a patch or guide me through emails, here is what I've put extra
> inside the Makefile for the MULTI_PACKAGES:
> MULTI_PACKAGES=                -main   -unicode
> COMMENT-main=  The official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver
> COMMENT-unicode=       The official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver with unicode
> support
> PKGNAME-main=  postgresql-odbc-${VERSION}
> PKGNAME-unicode=       postgresql-odbc-unicode-${VERSION}
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-iodbc --without-unixodbc
> --enable-pthreads
> .if !defined(SUBPACKAGE)
> CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --disable-unicode
> .endif
> I can build both packages separately, but when I do a `make package' 
> there is no second configure+compile stage and the -unicode package 
> errors out.

It seems that there's no need for two packages, the unicode enabled
driver can handle plain ascii as well. Here is the new port, tested on
i386 and amd64 with both unicode and ascii.

Attachment: postgresql-odbc.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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